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The following terms defined in this document (defined as the Terms) pertain to the Eightomic website at eightomic.com, including all associated elements, those of which include files, internet protocols, libraries, personnel, research, subdirectories and subdomains (defined as Eightomic), as a binding agreement between you, the user (defined as the User) and Eightomic.

The Terms are bound to the User unless the User both disagrees with the Terms and refrains immediately from further Eightomic usage.

Eightomic may modify and update the Terms at any moment in time.

Eightomic may restrict the User from Eightomic at any moment in time, for reasons including, but not limited to, website reliability and Terms violations.

The User is prohibited from redistributing, repurposing or reverse-engineering Eightomic source code unless the on-page source code is released into the public domain explicitly.

The User must assume the responsibility of determining if Eightomic, based on the presented material, is suitable for usage.

Liability for activity in conjunction with Eightomic usage must not be assumed by Eightomic.

The Terms were updated on August 30th, 2024.